Website marketing
Make your website work smarter & harder
Why settle for a mediocre website?
At its most basic, a website is a shop-front for your business. A few simple, but powerful, additions can improve your current website.
Website marketing means more clients and less wasted time – all whilst you outclass your competition
If you don’t know where to start – don’t worry I’ve developed some packages to help you.
Contact Form Flop
You’ve put in all the hard work to get someone to know, like and trust you enough to fill in your contact form. If the thing that happens next is a short message saying thanks for getting in touch then you are missing a trick. Just think how deflating and unmemorable that is for your potential client.
This package is designed to make your visitors feel a little bit special, it starts the getting-to-know-you process and lets you collect some very useful data.
You can flip that flop into a triumph!
Details & pricing
Package details:
- design and connect on-brand web pages
- link contact form to email marketing service (such as “Mailchimp”)
- set up email groups and tags
- build automation
- design email template for follow up email
- telephone “walk-though” & resources so that you can update it
Prices start from £150
Learn more about the power of your contact form here →
Marketing Mojo
Website marketing is all about using your site to help promote your business & nurture your relationships with clients, and potential clients.
This package is designed to highlight your expertise and knowledge, make your potential client feel a little bit special and start the process of getting to know, like and trust you. It also lets you collect some very useful data for future nurturing, marketing and promotion.
All you need is your website, an email marketing service and an offer or lead magnet.
Helping you shine brighter than any of your competition.
Details & pricing
Package details:
- strategically designed sign-up additions to your current website
- design three on-brand web pages (offer, success and delivery)
- link contact form to email marketing service (such as “Mailchimp”)
- set up email groups and tags
- build automation
- design email template
- provide guidance on email content
- telephone “walk-though” & resources so that you can update
Prices start from £200
Your geeky friend
So, are you in the DIY phase of a business doing everything yourself and on a budget?
You need a system that works for you.
There are so many applications and tools available, that can be of huge benefit to freelancers and independent businesses. But it can be overwhelming.
I’m here to give guidance on tools and help with the technical set up.
Whether you have a website marketing plan or If you are not sure what you need, I am here to help – let’s chat.
You don’t have to struggle on your own.
Don’t botch your blog
In a world of podcasts and “TickTocks”, a blog can seem a bit old fashioned. But they are an effective part of website marketing. Even more so if it is strategic in its design, set up and content.
Details & pricing
Package details:
- 3 gorgeously styled pages/templates (blog home page, category template & post template)
- designed to encourage your visitors to consume more of your content
- responsive on tablets & mobiles
- telephone “walk-though” & resources so that you are able to update it
Prices start from £225
New technology is brilliant for marketing
& I love to geek out
Technology and tools aren’t always the answer but they are often a good one and an affordable one.
I take the time to get to understand your business so that your website will connect with your ideal clients or customers. I want your website and your business to be as successful as possible.
But don’t just take my word for it!